My Story

After having my third baby in three and a half years, I was 30lbs overweight, feeling sluggish and incredibly unhealthy. The strain of having three kids so close together was emotionally and I knew I needed to do SOMETHING to survive (and ENJOY!) these years.

I decided to do the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology to fit back into my old clothes, but what happened instead was a TOTAL life transformation.

My body, mind, spirit and soul were affected by the simple act of devoting myself to honoring my health, investing in putting only good things into my body, and pushing myself to persevere through difficult workouts. Just the very act of valuing my body enough to invest in it transformed the way I thought about myself.

Since then, it has become my passion to do everything in my power to inspire, support and lead others to regain their spark and SHINE!

I run complimentary monthly challenge groups on Facebook for those who invest in one of Beachbody’s incredible fitness programs and Shakeology. I also lead a dynamic team of Beachbody coaches who have all been tasked with the glorious mission of ending the trend of obesity and unnecessary diseases that we as Americans are inflicting upon ourselves!!

If you are interested in learning more about any of this, send me a message! I would love to get to know you and make a plan for achieving your own personal fitness and life goals!

5 thoughts on “My Story

  1. I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd and a stay at home mommy. I put alot of weight on after baby #2. I was wondering if you could help.

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